Manipulationens Mester
Nois7 er en af verdens største digitale kunstnere på Instagram. 1,2 millioner har valgt at følge den følsomme, ret så tænksomme, tyske fyr.
Hans rigtige navn er Robert Jahns. Han bor i Berlin, og når han rejser, så er det mest i bil. For han er ikke super begejstret for at flyve.
Det er lidt et paradoks. Et paradoks for en fotograf, hvis motiver er fra alle verdens hjørner.
Alligevel giver det fuldstændig mening. Hans billeder er nemlig også et paradoks. De er manipuleret ud over alle grænser, og man drages af Nois7´s eksplosioner af farver, effekter og udtryk. Der flyver jo ikke elefanter rundt i farvede balloner over New Yorks skyline, men man bliver vitterligt i tvivl!
Det er umuligt at vælge et yndlingsbillede, for der kommer hele tiden et nyt motiv, som tryllebinder, og man trækkes drømmende ind i Nois7 univers, hvor fantasien har frit lejde.
Meet the Master of Manipulation, Nois7:
Your all-time favorite spot on Earth?
A hidden cliff in Uluwatu Bali where you have an incredible view over the ocean and can see where the sun sets.
What should we all do/have in mind when traveling?
If you are afraid of doing something, be sure it could be one of the best moments of your life. Then think about it again and just do it.
What was the most surprising thing you saw or did?
There are so many! The first thing that comes to my mind was driving with a scooter to Mount Bromo within an endless desert. Suddenly a massive fog was rolling in; I was only able to see for 2 or 3 meters. At some point I totally lost my orientation and was just driving into the fog.
In the distance I spotted a soft silhouette of a man riding a horse. I decided to follow that man and was able to find the right path again.
Is there a place you revisit?
Whenever I‘m in Bali I go to my favorite cliff there and enjoy the sunset.
What is the influence of digital technology on your photography?
The better the technology gets, the easier it is for me to work. But technology doesn’t change my creativity at all. It doesn’t matter if I work with my DSLR or with my smartphone.
What inspires you?
My mind inspires me. I always think creative and outside the box. I‘m able to see the world with different eyes. I challenge myself to be creative everyday. Instagram or other social media platforms are also a great way to get inspired.
What does photography mean to you?
Photography is my deep passion since I was 13 years old. Without it I wouldn’t be the same person. Through my work I can show the world my ideas and make people dream a little more which is fantastic.
Can you walk us through the actual process that you use to set up a picture? (from your head/mind/heart to your IG)
The process is always different. Most of the time I have a new idea, look through my image archive to see if I got some pictures to work with or I collaborate with other photographers or am using stock photos. The idea of the final artwork always is in my head, I only need to create it the same way. Emotions are one of the most important parts in my work. I see which colors, images etc. display the emotion I want you to feel.
Locations and weather conditions seem to be a crucial aspect to a successful picture. How do you handle these unpredictable factors?
What is very important to me is the light situation. Weather is not really important to me since I‘m able to change everything in post.
How important is it for you to “connect” with the subjects to bring out your true self in the picture?
Every artwork I publish shows parts of my soul because the idea and the creation started in my head and heart.
I understand that you are not too much into flying. How does that work with being a photographer with images from all over the world?
I had no problems with flying until I had heart rhythm problems for 2 hours straight and was flying alone. This experience showed me that you really are not safe in the plane and anything could happen. Until that moment I did 2 around-the-world trips and visited many other countries where I needed to fly long distances. I prefer flying with my wife, that way I‘m way more calm and it makes it much easier.
What would happen if you turned your push notifications on?
Believe it or not, I still have my push notifications on for my Instagram comments because I find it important to be connected with my community. I once turned the notifications on for the likes, that was lots of fun but the display was turned on for all the time until I turned the notifications off. Was a fun video though 😀
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